Our Products
Visonic Powermaster - £425

PowerMaster-10 Triple G2
Compact wireless security and safety system. Using wireless technology that is highly secure, it delivers superior range, long battery life and unmatched wireless robustness. A perfect solution for monitoring service providers who require high performance at a low cost. Suitable for large residential and small to mid-size business installations
RISCO Smart Alarm - £495

The SecuPlace Plus intrusion system is named for its streamlined, space-saving design, while offering a professional, highly reliable system at a competitive price.
Its connectivity to the cloud-based ELAS server enables it to be controlled remotely by EL’s smartphone app that enables users to arm/disarm the system remotely as well as receive email/ SMS/ voice notifications and view and store a history of events.
SecuPlace Plus supports a wide range of security and safety accessories including elderly care and detectors against smoke, flood and poisonous gases.
Hikvision CCTV From £425

As the one of the world’s leading suppliers of video surveillance equipment, Hikvision are at the forefront of the CCTV technology industry.
Their innovative approach to creating surveillance products has made them a key feature of many types of premises, including retail, finance, education, government and residential. And with this high quality technology becoming more affordable, perhaps it’s time that you considered upgrading your business’s CCTV equipment to Hikvision
Now, Hikvision products are available to the consumer, fitted by us from only £425